From the beginning, the end of this year was kind of different. History, present and why not future, attest that every generation feels special compared to others. Same or different, what is common between us is that we think we’re different from each other. Meanwhile, to judge other people, our unique reference is ourselves. Eternal paradox. As far as I am concerned and if there is something that I want more than enything, is to precisely refind my habits. In the context of this lockdown, I found myself with myself. Sometimes, with my idols, I find myself focused on a…
Ignorance is bliss. This proverb has always piqued my curiosity for all the right reasons. While its original meaning insinuates that there is comfort in one being oblivious of an irksome situation, I couldn’t help but notice that it could be open to various interpretations. What caught my attention the most is the fact that it fits a particular situation that I have been witnessing for a while now: there are ignorant people out there who are actually living in bliss. Of course, when I talk about ignorant people, I don’t mean to look down on illiterates. After all, each…
Many Moroccans experience anxiety at some point in their lives, for different reasons. However, when the symptoms become frequent, are larger than their triggers, or happen for no reason at all, it could be a sign of an anxiety disorder. Like any mental illness, anxiety is hard to deal with, but with proper care, it can be well managed. Here I want to share with you some key tips that have really helped me. Take meds. Antidepressants have really helped me, but it’s not always the case for everyone. Be mindful. It’s important to understand the nature of anxiety and…
Hi, I’m Yassine and here’s my story… The beginning of 2015 was a tough time for me. I was doing my PhD at university and felt incredibly unhappy. I was 25 years old and I had no idea what I was going to do once I graduated. The plan; go to school, get good grades and get a high paying job in order to retire until 60 years old was not a good plan for me, because I had big dreams in my life, I wanted to be free, travel the world, take care of my health, practice my hobbies…
After living in Morocco for a few years, I gradually adopted some of their cultural habits. I only noticed these changes recently, during my last visit to Lithuania where I had some issues adjusting to my own culture. Let’s start with the most famous Moroccanism…. ….Inshallah In Morocco you will hear “Inshallah” everywhere: making appointments, promising, buying, arranging your everyday life. “Inshallah” in Arabic means “God willing” or “if God wills”. “Inshallah” refer to events that one hopes will happen in the future. In Islam people are thought not to make definitive statements about the future, since only God knows what will happen….